The CMA’s investigation into potential Mis-selling and unfair contract terms closes on 12th July 2019

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“Government must not allow developers & freeholders who created this crisis to be allowed to define the solutions” – Clive Betts

Weak industry Pledge is simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH

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NLC letter of thanks to the Housing, Communities & Local Government Select Committee

Dear all, On behalf of the National Leasehold Campaign we would like to say a huge thank you for your comprehensive report into leasehold reform and your positive recommendations that will be life changing for leaseholders. Your report is a damning indictment into the leasehold scandal that has affected so many of us in different ways. Since we launched NLC just over two years ago, those of us driving this campaign have faced regular setbacks and a seemingly impenetrable wall as we fight for justice and redress for existing leaseholders against the rich and powerful developers and freeholders with their clever advisors and professional lobbyists. Your report has given leaseholders… Read More

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Watch the “Select Committee Leasehold Reform Report Statement” on YouTube

Unanimous cross party support in Parliament describing the situation as a “SCANDAL & RACKET” We would recommend you watch the Select Committee Report being presented to Parliament by Clive Betts. MPS feel strongly about what has gone on. MPS want existing leaseholders to get redress. Our voices are being heard at last. Several MPS played tribute to the work of the National Leasehold Campaign (NLC) & Leasehold Knowledge Partnership (LKP). We NEED the recommendations to be implemented by government ASAP. Please write to your MP to ask them to write to the Secretary Of State James Brokenshire to asking for these recommendations to be implemented. We ask everyone to continue… Read More

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NLC Protest

Damning Leasehold Inquiry Report reLEASED

Select Committee Inquiry damning report into the Leasehold Scandal…. Can this be the start of reLEASING Leaseholders from the Shackles?

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Everyone had the opportunity to submit their evidence to the Select Committee. Clive Betts states “we had so much evidence, more than any other inquiry we have EVER done” Session 1 – 5th November 2018 Evidence given by Sir Peter Bottomley MP, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Leasehold Reform, Jim Fitzpatrick MP, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Leasehold Reform, Martin Boyd, Chair of Trustees, Leasehold Knowledge Partnership Jo Darbyshire, National Leasehold Campaign, Katie Kendrick, National Leasehold Campaign, Shula Rich, Director, Federation of Private Residents’ Associations Watch Here Transcript of Session 1 Session 2 – 19th November 2018 Evidence given by Jason Honeyman, Chief Executive, Bellway, David Jenkinson, Group Managing Director and Main… Read More

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