Unfortunately for leaseholders Sir Peter lost his seat in the general election last week, which means Leaseholders lost a huge voice within Parliament. On behalf of 30,000 members of the National Leasehold Campaign we wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Sir Peter Bottomley for his relentless campaigning for leaseholders. Without doubt we would not be where we are today without his support. Sir Peter will always be considered by us as a ‘Leasehold Legend’. He has been a thorn in the side of government for many many years on this subject and his support for both the NLC and LKP has never wavered.
Leasehold has always been a cross-party issue. Sir Peter illustrated how good politics doesn’t have to be about division but about unity and we continue to pride ourselves that cross party approach is essential #LeaseholdersTogether
“The SLEASE, just adding a letter on the beginning”
Sir Peter Bottomley
He was the ‘Father of the House’ but for many he was the ‘Father of Leaseholders’. We always knew we were safe in his hands. He wasn’t afraid to call out the crooks in the House of Commons and for that we are thankful. When Sir Peter spoke people listened. He was direct and always clear what needs to be done. His legacy will live on in this campaign to end residential leasehold.
“We have had some change, there is more change to come”
Sir Peter Bottomley

Leasehold Knowledge Partnership have also written a tribute
The NLC have put together just a few of Sir Peters moments in the House (to which there were so many to choose from) CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO
“We are here as his fan club and support structure because it’s the prominent role he has played which has allowed us to press government”
Former MP Jim Fitzpatrick
Credits for video to Shoot on Site – Many thanks
On behalf of 30k members of the NLC we would like to say a HUGE thank you to Leasehold Legend @PBottomleyMP
He has played a HUGE role in getting Leasehold on the political agenda. He truly showed how good politics isn’t about division but unity@LKPLeasehold #LeaseholdScandal pic.twitter.com/4CBtvfBZjS
— NLC – LEASEHOLD CAMPAIGNER – #reLEASE us (@NLC_2019) July 15, 2024
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