The Sunday Times printed an article last weekend “Leasehold Dream over as Gove plan quietly crumbles”

Gove has met fierce resistance from the Treasury. If follows an intensive lobbying campaign by pension funds.

The Leasehold & Freehold Bill is back in the Lords this week for it’s second reading. The I News have reported both Number 10 and the Treasury have met representatives from freeholders and not leaseholders. Pagefield (A Lobbying group) is representing the Residential Freehold Association (RFA) and has stated they are proud to support the RFA and they welcome recognition from the Government that proposals to cut ground rent “would be unjustified”,

If this government backtrack on the strong words they have spoken about “Peppercorn Ground Rents and being determined to be on the Right Side Of Justice” they MUST do the right thing and not cave into vested interests and protect leaseholders.

Leaseholders MUST step up and make some noise. The NLC is urging ALL leaseholders to join in with the Mass Email Action NOW


  • Click on the link below or here
  • Copy & Paste content of NLC template into an email.
  • Email to your own MP (ensuring you include your home address)
  • Also CC into the email everyone we have identified in the link below or here
  • Send it as soon as you can.

We want to flood the politicians inboxes. We may not have the lobbying contacts the RFA has or the deep pockets, but we are on the “Right Side Of Justice”

You can see this event also on our facebook page click

Please share far and wide with your neighbours, in Whats App Groups and on all social media outlets.

The NLC have provided this statement below in response to the Sunday Times Article.

“The National Leasehold Campaign are extremely disappointed to hear that the Government is allegedly going soft on leasehold reform.  Thousands of leaseholders have responded to the Government’s Ground Rent consultation, explaining in their droves why existing ground rents need to be reduced to a peppercorn to avoid the inherent unfairness of a two-tier system now that ground rents are limited to a peppercorn on new build properties.  It is extremely frustrating that, if the rumors are true, the Treasury and the Prime Minister have been hoodwinked by sector lobbyists who have no regard for the leasehold misery faced by millions of leaseholders across the country. It also seems they are running scared from legal challenges funded by freehold investors with skin in the ground rent game and deep pockets. I believe that retrospective action on ground rents would have no material impact on pension schemes, and those pension schemes that do have ground rent investments should be reassessing them – no reputable company with a responsible and ethical investment strategy would invest in ground rents if they saw first-hand the misery they cause and the deplorable sales tactics that have led so many leaseholders to have onerous ground rents.  With a general election looming, abandoning a manifesto commitment that would help thousands of leaseholders is just pure folly”


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